Ich will jetzt keineswegs die Illusion der friedlichen Bilder zerstören, weil es wirklich ein schöner Ort war... Aber falls jemand die Abtei besuchen und ein paar schöne Fotos inmitten der Felder machen möchte, sollte man definitiv lieber sehr früh morgens hinfahren um den Menschenmassen zu entgehen, die dort wortwörtlich durch den Lavendel stampfen! Mir war wirklich schleierhaft wie es möglich sein soll auch wenigstens paar halbwegs nette Bilder zu machen ohne entweder Tonnen von Touristen im Hintergrund zu haben oder meine angstverzehrten Gesichtausdrücke beim Anblick GIGANTISCHER Hummeln, konnten aber letzten Endes noch einige "ganz okay, besser als nichts" Bilder schießen, yeaaah! Ein schöner Rücken kann auch entzücken... ;)
day 3: Before heading to the Côte d'Azur we decided to take a look at the Provence and drove to the Abbaye de Sénanque which is close to Gordes. We were afraid that we would arrive to late to see the lavender fields in bloom because on our way there we've already seen a lot of sunflower and lavender fields which were completely withered but fortunately everything worked out.
Not to destroy the illusion, it was a really beautiful place after all, but if you want to visit the abbey and take some pictures of the fields you should definitely go there very early in the morning to avoid the crowds of people that are literally running through the lavender! That said, we thought it would be impossible for us to take some decent pictures without having either tons of tourists in the background or frantic facial expressions because of the GIANT bumble bees that were flying around there but eventually we got some "kind of okay, better than nothing" shots, yeeah! (You can always take pictures of your back and pretend it has to be like that!)